WARNING New Plymouth Dog Owners - 29th March 2023 New Plymouth Vet Group has had…
Health Warning for pets and owners – Toxic Cyanbacteria – South Taranaki
Take extra caution if you are taking your dogs to swim in our local rivers. We have had some reports of owners having to seek veterinary treatment for their pets after swimming in the rivers in South Taranaki.
Large amounts of potentially toxic cyanobacteria have been found in the Kaūpokonui River at the beach domain and in the Waingongoro River at Ōhawe.
Cyanobacteria can cause serious illness in humans and animals. Children are at greater risk because their smaller body size means they need to ingest less toxin to become seriously ill, while dogs may be attracted to the musty smell.
Cyanobacteria is naturally occurring, often appearing as dark green or brown mats attached to rocks in rivers and streams. We have seen that these mats are beginning to detach from rocks and are now floating on the water’s surface and and gathering along the water’s edge.
To stay safe, we advise that you avoid swimming or letting your children and pets enter the water.
Skin contact with cyanobacteria may cause rashes and skin irritation.
Ingesting cyanobacteria may cause:
- nausea
- tummy upset
- tingling or numbness
Signs of poisoning in animals include:
- excessive drooling
- vomiting and diarrhoea
- lethargy or weakness
- difficulty breathing
- convulsion
If you or your pets experience symptoms after contact with the water, or your pets have eaten toxic algae, visit your doctor and/or vet immediately.
Further monitoring for cyanobacteria will be carried out next week.
Health New Zealand – Te Whatu Ora
South Taranaki District Council