If your cat or dog goes missing you’re much more likely to be reunited if they have been microchipped. Unlike collars or tags which can be removed or lost, a microchip is a surgically implanted and permanent form of identification that can help vets, the SPCA and/or the council find an injured, stolen or lost pet’s owner.
Microchipping procedure
As the name would suggest, a microchip is a small device equivalent in size to a grain of rice. Our vet staff are experienced in implanting microchips, and can perform the procedure on your cat or dog quickly and safely.
Why and when you should get your pet microchipped
Essential to linking the pet and owner, microchipping can be done during a consultation or in conjunction with a spaying or neutering. The sooner your pet is microchipped and registered, the sooner your pet will be linked to you.
Reasons to have your pet microchipped:
- It’s against the law for pet dogs over three months of age not to be microchipped
- Over 80% of lost microchipped pets are successfully reunited with their owners
- The pet owner’s details can be added to the local council database and New Zealand Companion Animal Register (NZCAR)
- Microchipping is a simple procedure
- Microchips generally last the lifetime of a pet
- Owners of injured pets can be contacted more readily, resulting in quicker treatment