New Plymouth Vet Group proudly supports a variety of local organisations within our community.
These include:
- New Plymouth Bridge Club
- Taranaki Equestrian Jumping
- Taranaki Arabian Horse Club
- Mangorei School
- Vanessa Way Dressage
- Deken Dressage
- Mini School
- Frankley School
- Devon Intermediate
- Egmont Village School
- Forest and Bird Trust
- St Pius X School
- SPAW – South Pacific Animal Welfare
- Hearing Dogs
- Blind + Low Vision Guide Dogs
- Taranaki Animal Protection Trust (TAPT)
- Department of Conversation (DOC)
- NPDC Animal Control
- New Plymouth Police Dogs
- Brooklands Zoo
- New Plymouth Bridge Club
- We love Dogs Charitable Trust
- Taranaki Equestrian Network
We also offer 5% off all services if you are a CURRENT member of Grey Power or Super Gold *This only applies when you show your card to our staff members at time of purchase.
If you or your organisation would like to be considered for support, please contact us – Although we endeavour to support worthy causes in our area, we are unable to support every request we receive. We look for support which will directly benefit individuals, groups or organisations in our communities and those that align with our business mission, morals and the identity of New Plymouth Vet Group.
If you think your application will fulfil this criteria, please contact us, and we will consider your application.