Preventing outbreaks of disease in your stock can be achieved through timely vaccination regimes. Keeping stock healthy and disease-free also helps safeguard you, your family and your staff against zoonosis – diseases which are transmittable to humans.
Common diseases to vaccinate against include:
- Clostridial diseases that involve blood poisoning in sheep and cattle
- Pulpy kidney, tetanus, blackleg, malignant oedema and black disease
- Leptospirosis
- Bovine Virus Diarrhoea (BVD)
- Pink eye in sheep and cattle
- Rotavirus
- Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR)
- Campylobacter
- Footrot
- Salmonella (Enteric disease in sheep)
- Toxoplasmosis in sheep (T gondii)
Vaccination of young stock is the best method of preventing disease, and some vaccines can be administered to stock as young as three-months-of-age. Many vaccines include an initial dose, then a booster application in the following weeks. Our knowledgeable large animal vets can advise you on what vaccination regime is best for your stock and farm, and can book dates to visit your yards and perform the vaccinations for you.