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Small Animal Newsletter – April 2021
We now offer Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT also known as Photobiomodulation)
Recently, we started offering Laser Therapy treatments at both Vet Group and St Aubyn Vet Clinic.
Lasers produce intense beams of light at specific wavelengths. When the right wavelength at the right intensity is used, the light can penetrate into the tissues up to a depth of 5cm, stimulating the cells that help repair tissue, in addition to reducing inflammation and pain.
The most common conditions treated with laser therapy are:
- Osteoarthritis, with the elbow and knee being particularly responsive.
- Intervertebral disc disease (ranging from back pain to paralysis). Studies have shown that cases with paralysis will improve faster with the use of laser treatment, relieving pain and also improving nerve regeneration. This is most effective if treatment is started early.
- Tendon, ligament, and muscular injuries.
- Pain management for trauma and post-surgical wounds.
- There are some studies also showing laser can benefit in cases of kidney disease and perhaps liver and pancreatic disease as well.
The laser can also be used to help treat acupuncture points instead of needles especially for sensitive animals or painful sites.
Here is what one of our clients had to say about her recent experience with Laser Therapy which was combined with Acupuncture:
As a pet owner, it is hard to watch our ‘senior’ loyal companions lose their mobility and become burdened by arthritis and other associated ailments.
Over the last year, my dog Karma has been visiting the NPVG for consultations and acupuncture treatment with Wendy Dixon. After the initial treatment, it was overwhelming to see the instant improvement in Karma’s mobility and a joy to capture a glimpse of her playful side and the ‘puppy bounce’ that she had long lost.
Since then Karma has continued along a treatment programme and with each treatment, her mobility and wellbeing seems to improve allowing her to become more interactive within the family. Treatment has evolved and is now a combination of both acupuncture and laser therapy.
Each treatment is based around observations of Karma made between visits along with Wendy’s diagnosis at the time of treatment. While each pet is different, after treatment, there is a very noticeable difference in Karma’s mobility and approach to life lasting up to 10 days.
While in her twilight years, it great to see her benefit from this treatment, making the precious time we have together easier and happier for Karma.
We so appreciate this Wendy – thank you.
If you would like to know more about how Laser or Acupuncture can benefit your pet, please get in touch with Dr Wendy Dixon at either Vet Group (06) 7584006 or St Aubyn Vet Clinic (06) 7513000.
Is your pup registered with the council?
Did you know that all puppies must be registered with the local council by the time they are three months old?
If you acquire a new puppy or you rehome an adult dog – they must be registered with our local council. Puppies should first be registered by the time they are three months old. Then every year, every dog needs to be re-registered. Neutered and spayed dogs generally cost less to register than entire dogs.
For more information, you can refer to the NPDC website here.
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